Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Small Meals throughout the Day


So you know you have the regular eating plan for each day is breakfast, lunch and dinner.  But sometimes that just isn't enough and with small snacks of even healthy meals throughout the day could be even better for you. Eating six small meals a day can help regulate blood sugar, control cravings and keep hungry away. You have to choose the right portion sizes throughout the day and can help you loose weight and keep you more energized.  You should prepare meals throughout the day that are healthy snack and meals that are fit for you. For maximum satisfaction, each mini-meal or snack should include lean- or low-fat protein, fiber, and a little healthy fat. Good protein sources include lean meat, seafood, low-fat dairy yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, nuts, beans, and soy.  Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. Healthy fats come from vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, and fatty fish. You can prepare these foods vary easily each day making small meals for yourself. This is something everyone should start doing and eating the healthy foods that do keep you going and will stop that hunger you crave.


  1. Having only three meals is not healthy. I highly believe in five to six small meals throughout the day in order to keep healthy fuel in my system. Some of society may think it is more convenient to only eat three large meals throughout the day but they are wrong. I love food so I love having eating six times a day. It's also even more fun when I can make shapes out of my pieces of fruit.

  2. I to believe in five to six small meals a day if a person can afford it. I know right now during the college year I am not always able to make six meals that are healthy and nutritional because of lack of money. I know many people who think they are healthy by eating 2-3 meals a day but those meals are way to large in portion size and lack a lot of the nutritions.

  3. I have always thought eating smaller amounts more often during the day is a healthier option. I would much rather eat a small quick snack to satify my hunger rather than starve myself and then over eat later. I think over eating is an unhealthy habit, it causes the stomach to stretch and get more prone to more food cause someone to gain more weight.It is also important that these snacks or small meals are healthy too.
