Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fast Food vs Home Cooking

So why not go get fast food?  It's cheap and easy to get whenever you want it.  But the thing about fast food is that it isn't healthy for your body at all.  You are not getting the right nutrition that you need on a daily basis.  You may think the food is fresh at a certain fast food place but they are high in trans fat, fat sugar and sodium, which can lead to obesity, heart disease and diabetes among other health problems. If you choose to eat at home sometimes it does cost more but it worth it. You know what you are eating and you are getting the right healthy foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and protein, and they promote energy, good health and longevity. Fast foods are fried in low-quality cooking oils and contain trans fat is one of the most dangerous and health-damaging constituents of fast food. Eating a nice cooked meal that you put together at home is more value to your health, its fresh and it can be fun cooking in your own kitchen. Stay away from fast foods and make your own cook meal.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Small Meals throughout the Day


So you know you have the regular eating plan for each day is breakfast, lunch and dinner.  But sometimes that just isn't enough and with small snacks of even healthy meals throughout the day could be even better for you. Eating six small meals a day can help regulate blood sugar, control cravings and keep hungry away. You have to choose the right portion sizes throughout the day and can help you loose weight and keep you more energized.  You should prepare meals throughout the day that are healthy snack and meals that are fit for you. For maximum satisfaction, each mini-meal or snack should include lean- or low-fat protein, fiber, and a little healthy fat. Good protein sources include lean meat, seafood, low-fat dairy yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, nuts, beans, and soy.  Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. Healthy fats come from vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, and fatty fish. You can prepare these foods vary easily each day making small meals for yourself. This is something everyone should start doing and eating the healthy foods that do keep you going and will stop that hunger you crave.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Health Benefits of Eating Fruits and Veggies!

Health Facts!

Eating both fruits and veggies can give you great health benefits for yourself.  People who eat more  fruits and veggies as an overall part of a healthy diet and are likely to have a reduce risk of chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients for health and maintenance of your body. Eating a diet rich in some veggies and fruits may protect against types of cancers. While taking in all these fruits and vegetables they are rich in potassium and lower blood pressure and may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.  So stay away from those junk foods and stick to healthy eating and choosing what is right for your body.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Is drinking water important?!?

Water is good!

Water is more of a nutrient for our body to fuel it than drinking soft drinks and very sugary drinks as well.  Drinking water helps you maintain the balance of your body fluids like for instance keeping your body temperature normal.  Another way of controlling your calories is water and drinking lots of it can help as a weight loss strategy.  When working out water is great for energizing muscles to get fluids into the muscle so they don't fatigue.  The body is a machine fueled by water.  Water is the fuel of life.